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Engaging Strategies for a Better World

Who We Are

UpDIG’s strategists and creatives
grow and thrive on collaboration,
using predictive insights to
craft impact together.

What We Do

UpDIG creates business strategies and
communications that produce healthier
outcomes for people, communities,
and our world.

How We Do It

We suit our approach to your context,
becoming an extension of your team as you
shift your business, share your story,
or build a community.

Where We Focus

We work with people and orgs
to support communities in the U.S.
and several other countries in
Africa, Asia, and South America.

It’s Clear…

Whether we’re best at business, teaching, farming, storytelling, or serving others, all of us are needed to sustain healthier livelihoods, environments, and regenerative economies.
UpDIG is here to spark new ways of thinking, ignite creative business solutions, and drive the climate-smart change we need to support a liveable world for the eight billion people on our planet today.

The only constant is constant change. Embrace IT.

A User

If I had asked my customers what they wanted, they'd have said a faster horse.

Henry Ford

What box? First of all, what is a box?


The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one’s own country as a foreign land.

G.K. Chesterton
Strategic Advisory/Incubation

Have a sticky problem? Want to call on some outside expertise? Launching a new business concept? UpDIG’s strategic advisory sessions are an efficient way to clarify and map a path forward, set objectives and identify metrics for success.

Web3 Communications

Relying on extensive expertise in platform development, we offer multiple channels to explore the various angles of attack on communications—internal, external, social, experiential—scaled and integrated appropriately to the goals of your business.

Stories for Impact

As creative documentarians, we can transform abstract ideas into inspiring stories to move ideas forward. Working in text, video, and social image formats, we can develop a project from initial concept, through development, to multi-channel delivery.

Brand/Communications Sprint

Using a tailored iterative process, we can walk your team through exercises that transform the abstract idea of “your brand” into a concrete purpose. Your team will be set with a common language around the lasting value of your product or org, and decisions about your visuals, voice, and identity will all be made easier.

Toolkit Creation

With your specific audience and needs in mind, we can develop a communications playbook—not rules and structures, but thoughtful guiding components—that allows your brand or message to extend naturally.

Tools for Engagement

We offer decades of experience in communications, community and ecosystem building, technology, and strategy to help organizations launch or grow. Our services include strategic research and planning, community building and engagement, grant/funding proposals, brand design and development, articles and blog posts. 

Reach out to us in any way. We’re happy to start a conversation.